Results for 'María Laura Martínez Rodríguez'

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  1.  22
    Epistemología y meta-epistemología histórica.María Laura Martínez Rodríguez - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46).
    Lorraine Daston ha señalado la influencia que The emergence of probability de Ian Hacking ha tenido en su trayectoria intelectual y en su elección de la etiqueta epistemología histórica para describir su trabajo. Hacking, por su parte, ha respondido a estos señalamientos que, en primer lugar, Daston y sus colegas no hacen epistemología, sino que más bien estudian conceptos epistemológicos como objetos que evolucionan y mutan; en segundo lugar, que su trabajo sobre la probabilidad no es epistemología histórica sino, en (...)
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  2.  27
    Construction of nursing knowledge in commodified contexts: A discussion paper.Ana Martínez-Rodríguez, Laura Martínez-Faneca, Claudia Casafont-Bullich & Maria Carmen Olivé-Ferrer - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (2):e12336.
    This original article outlines a theoretical path and posterior critical analysis regarding two relevant matters in modern nursing: patterns of knowing in nursing and commodification contexts in contemporary health systems. The aim of our manuscript is to examine the development of basic and contextual nursing knowledge in commodified contexts. For this purpose, we outline a discussion and reflexive dialogue based on a literature search and our clinical experience. To lay the foundation for an informed discussion, we conducted a literature search (...)
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  3.  28
    Texture in the Work of Ian Hacking: Michel Foucault as the Guiding Thread of Hacking’s Thinking.María Laura Martínez Rodríguez - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a systematized overview of Ian Hacking's work. It presents Hacking’s oeuvre as a network made up of four interconnected key nodes: styles of scientific thinking & doing, probability, making up people, and experimentation and scientific realism. Its central claim is that Michel Foucault’s influence is the underlying thread that runs across the Canadian philosopher’s oeuvre. Foucault’s imprint on Hacking’s work is usually mentioned in relation to styles of scientific reasoning and the human sciences. This research shows that (...)
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    Construction of nursing knowledge in commodified contexts: Views and experiences of nurses regarding primary care.Ana Martínez-Rodríguez, Laura Martínez-Faneca & Núria Fabrellas - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12579.
    The commodification of health care, particularly primary care, presents challenges to care and knowledge development. The purpose of this study is to examine how nurses perceive and develop their knowledge in a commodified context. A mixed‐methods study was conducted that included a closed‐question survey and in‐depth interviews with nurses in public primary care in Catalonia. There were 104 valid responses to the questionnaire and 10 in‐depth interviews. The main findings of the survey were related to workload and limited time for (...)
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  5. Ian Hacking's Proposal for the Distinction between Natural and Social Sciences.María Laura Martínez - 2009 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (2):212-234.
    This article explores the proposal offered by Ian Hacking for the distinction between natural and social sciences—a proposal that he has defined from the outset as complex and different from the traditional ones. Our objective is not only to present the path followed by Hacking’s distinction, but also to determine if it constitutes a novelty or not. For this purpose, we deemed it necessary to briefly introduce the core notions Hacking uses to establish his strategic approach to social sciences, under (...)
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  6.  73
    Foucauldian Imprints in the Early Works of Ian Hacking.María Laura Martínez - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (1):69-84.
    Ian Hacking has defined himself as a philosopher in the analytic tradition. However, he has also recognized the profound influence that Michel Foucault had on much of his work. In this article I analyse the specific imprint of certain works by Foucault—in particular Les mots et les choses—in two of Hacking’s early works: Why Does Language Matter to Philosophy? and The Emergence of Probability. I propose that these texts not only share a debt of Foucauldian thought, but also are part (...)
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  7.  77
    Ontología histórica Y nominalismo dinámico: La propuesta de Ian Hacking para las ciencias humanas.María Laura Martínez - 2010 - Cinta de Moebio 39:130-141.
    En los últimos años Ian Hacking se ha dedicado a trabajar principalmente acerca de las ciencias humanas. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunas de las nociones acuñadas por el filósofo canadiense -fundamentalmente las de ontología histórica y nominalismo dinámico- para dicho ámbito. A par..
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  8.  17
    Una filosofía social de la ciencia. Recepciones y apropiaciones en y de la obra de Ian Hacking.María de los Ángeles Martini - 2023 - Análisis Filosófico 43 (2):355-364.
    Repensar la obra de un filósofo a la luz de sus influencias constituye una tarea que exige asumir los sentidos diferentes que conlleva la noción de influencia: la elección de los “antecesores”, con la que el filósofo configura su propio canon, las apropiaciones que realiza de las obras elegidas, así como también las reapropiaciones que los analistas críticos llevan a cabo respecto de las recepciones y apropiaciones de la obra del filósofo. Las tradiciones son relaciones causales construidas desde el presente. (...)
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  9.  24
    entorno próximo. Educación patrimonial y memoria histórica en la educación primaria.María Martínez Blanco, Tania Riveiro Rodríguez & Andrés Domínguez Almansa - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:301-318.
    Este artículo muestra los resultados de un estudio de caso centrado en la puesta en marcha de un programa didáctico en un centro de primaria. El programa constó de dos actuaciones didácticas distintas en dos períodos de prácticum de magisterio. La primera se realizó con 2 grupos de 6º durante 5 sesiones y la segunda con 2 grupos de 5º durante 4 sesiones. Participaron 53 estudiantes. El tema escogido fue la Guerra Civil. Se combinaron conocimientos y emociones. De las observaciones (...)
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  10.  23
    The Spanish Body Image State Scale: Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity in a Colombian Population.Moisés Mebarak Chams, Laura Tinoco, Dania Mejia-Rodriguez, Martha L. Martinez-Banfi, Hanna Preuss, Florian Hammerle, Jorge I. Vélez & David R. Kolar - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  11.  19
    Adaptation and validation of the Euthanasia Attitude Scale into Spanish.María Dolores Onieva-Zafra, Juan José Fernández-Muñoz, María Laura Parra-Fernandez, Cristina Romero-Blanco & Elia Fernández-Martínez - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1201-1212.
    Background Considering the extensive debate that is currently taking place in Spain regarding euthanasia, it is important to examine the attitude of professionals who perform most of their duties at the bedside of these patients and their families. Objectives The aim of the present study was to present an adaptation and validation of the Euthanasia Attitude Scale and to evaluate its psychometric properties among a sample of nursing students in Spain. Research design A cross-sectional study design was conducted. Participants and (...)
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  12.  16
    Lex Artis en oftalmología, análisis ético y bioético.Claudia Lorena Arellano Martínez, María Fernanda Martínez Palomo, Rene Dávila Mendoza, Juan Manuel Paulin Huerta, Carlos Francisco Navas Villar, Ulises de Dios Cuadras, Jaime Francisco Rosales Padrón, Jane Nemer Yaspik & Camila González Rodríguez - 2022 - Medicina y Ética 33 (4):1129-1166.
    Las personas dedicadas a otorgar servicios de la salud tienen el compromiso legal, ético, profesional y humano de velar por la salud y el bienestar de la sociedad. Un médico no sólo debe formarse en el ámbito académico y técnico, también debe construir y trabajar en su ética profesional. La actualización médica continua en medicina basada en evidencia y el continuo adiestramiento en el área práctica y clínica, si bien son de suma importancia, deben ir de la mano con la (...)
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  13.  16
    Learning strategies, an additional pinch to learning.María Constanza Lidia Gutiérrez Sánchez & Laura Martínez Pedraza - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (5):1-13.
    This research presents an analysis of the learning strategies employed by students during confinement due to Covid-19 in the year 2021. The study sample consisted of 200 students from the Licenciado Benito Juárez García high school of the morning shift of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. A survey was applied to measure the degree of satisfaction in relation to their use and impact on the acquisition of knowledge, allowing them to be more self-taught.The results show that the hypothesis was (...)
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  14.  18
    Aplicación de los ajustes razonables en Qatar. Un análisis sobre la garantía de la igualdad de las personas con discapacidad en el derecho común qatarí = Application of reasonable accommodation in Qatar. An analysis on the guarantee of the equality of persons with disabilities in the Qatari Law.Rafael de Asís Roig, María Carmen Barranco Avilés, María Laura Serra, Patricia Cuenca Gómez, Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig, Khalid Al Ali & Pablo Rodríguez del Pozo - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 27:110-126.
    RESUMEN: Este trabajo considera la conceptualización y aplicación de la figura de los ajustes razonables en Qatar tras nueve años desde la ratificación de la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD). En él se trata de analizar la situación de igualdad y no discriminación de las personas con discapacidad utilizando como medida de impacto la figura de ajustes razonables. El artículo destaca las principales fallas y virtudes del Estado de Qatar respecto a esta figura y traza (...)
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    El Artículo 12 de la Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad y su impacto en el derecho privado de Qatar = Article 12 of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities and its impact on the private law of Qatar. [REVIEW]Patricia Cuenca Gómez, Rafael de Asís Roig, María Carmen Barranco Avilés, María Laura Serra, Francisco Javier Ansuátegui Roig, Khalid Al Ali & Pablo Rodríguez del Pozo - 2017 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 27:127-152.
    RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza el sentido e implicaciones del Artículo 12 de la Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapadad a la luz de la Observación General Nº1 de su Comité y se centra en determinar su impacto en el régimen general de atribución de personalidad y capacidad jurídica y en el ámbito del Derecho Privado y de Familia del Estado de Qatar. ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the meaning and implications of Article 12 of the International Convention (...)
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  16.  48
    The role of female directors in promoting CSR practices: An international comparison between family and non‐family businesses.Lázaro Rodríguez-Ariza, Beatriz Cuadrado-Ballesteros, Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero & Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (2):162-174.
    This article analyzes a panel of 550 international firms, for the period 2004 to 2010, to compare the role of female directors in family and non-family firms in promoting responsible practices. Many studies have associated the presence of women on the board with a higher degree of socially responsible commitment. However, we found that this is much less so in family firms than in non-family firms. In family firms, corporate social responsibility commitment does not vary significantly with the presence of (...)
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  17.  27
    The Binge Eating Scale: Structural Equation Competitive Models, Invariance Measurement Between Sexes, and Relationships With Food Addiction, Impulsivity, Binge Drinking, and Body Mass Index.Tamara Escrivá-Martínez, Laura Galiana, Marta Rodríguez-Arias & Rosa M. Baños - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Introduction: The Binge Eating Scale (BES) is a widely-used self-report questionnaire to identify compulsive eaters. However, research on the dimensions and psychometric properties of the BES is limited. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the properties of the Spanish version of the BES. Method: Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFAs) were carried out to verify the BES factor structure in a sample of Spanish college students (N = 428, 75.7% women; age range = 18–30). An invariance measurement routine was (...)
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  18. A Self-Applied Multi-Component Psychological Online Intervention Based on UX, for the Prevention of Complicated Grief Disorder in the Mexican Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Protocol of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Alejandro Dominguez-Rodriguez, Sofia Cristina Martínez-Luna, María Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Anabel De La Rosa-Gómez, Paulina Arenas-Landgrave, Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoveña, Carlos Arzola-Sánchez, Joabián Alvarez Silva, Arantza Mariel Solis Nicolas, Ana Marisa Colmenero Guadián, Flor Rocio Ramírez-Martínez & Rosa Olimpia Castellanos Vargas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: COVID-19 has taken many lives worldwide and due to this, millions of persons are in grief. When the grief process lasts longer than 6 months, the person is in risk of developing Complicated Grief Disorder. The CGD is related to serious health consequences. To reduce the probability of developing CGD a preventive intervention could be applied. In developing countries like Mexico, the psychological services are scarce, self-applied interventions could provide support to solve this problem and reduce the health impact (...)
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  19.  45
    Correction to: Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model.María Victoria Martínez-López, Leah McLaughlin, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Nadia Primc, Gurch Randhawa, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jorge Suárez, Sabine Wöhlke & Janet Delgado - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-2.
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  20.  60
    Effects of Teleassistance on the Quality of Life of People With Rare Neuromuscular Diseases According to Their Degree of Disability.Oscar Martínez, Imanol Amayra, Juan Francisco López-Paz, Esther Lázaro, Patricia Caballero, Irune García, Alicia Aurora Rodríguez, Maitane García, Paula María Luna, Paula Pérez-Núñez, Jaume Barrera, Nicole Passi, Sarah Berrocoso, Manuel Pérez & Mohammad Al-Rashaida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Rare neuromuscular diseases are a group of pathologies characterized by a progressive loss of muscular strength, atrophy, fatigue, and other muscle-related symptoms, which affect quality of life levels. The low prevalence, high geographical dispersion and disability of these individuals involve difficulties in accessing health and social care services. Teleassistance is presented as a useful tool to perform psychosocial interventions in these situations. The main aim of this research is to assess the effects of a teleassistance psychosocial program on the QoL (...)
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  21.  14
    Exploring the Ethics of Interaction with Care Robots.María Victoria Martínez-López, Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Aníbal M. Astobiza & Blanca Rodríguez López - 2023 - In Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 149-167.
    The development of assistive robotics and anthropomorphic AI allows machines to increasingly enter into the daily lives of human beings and gradually become part of their lives. Robots have made a strong entry in the field of assistive behaviour. In this chapter, we will ask to what extent technology can satisfy people’s personal needs and desires as compared to human agents in the field of care. The industry of assistive technology burst out of the gate at the beginning of the (...)
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  22.  19
    Andalucía y el patrimonio: imagen percibida por los visitantes.Ana Almansa Martínez & María Rodríguez-López - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-12.
    Se estudia la percepción que tienen las personas que visitan Andalucía de patrimonio distinguido por Unesco en esta comunidad (grado de conocimiento que tienen las personas visitantes de dicho patrimonio, el medio por el cual lo han conocido, su interés en visitarlo y la valoración que otorgan a dicho patrimonio), descubriendo la imagen que tienen los y las visitantes a la comunidad autónoma andaluza de este patrimonio. La técnica de investigación ha sido la encuesta, con un total de 385. Hay (...)
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  23.  58
    El regreso de la educación cívica. Benjamin R. Barber Y la democracia fuerte.José María Seco Martínez & Rafael Rodríguez Prieto - 2004 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 38:115-140.
    La educación cívica se encuentra en la misma base de la democracia . T odo sistema democrático que prescinda de esta necesidad acabará haciendo de s v anecerse la racionalidad democrática de sus instituciones. La democracia liberal es un buen ejemplo de este debilitamiento pr o g res i v o de las estructuras democráticas. Benjamin R. Barber no tarda en referirse a ella como "democracia débil". La democracia carece de plenitud sin ciudadanos fo r mados cívicamente. Educación y democracia (...)
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  24.  30
    Changes in Resilience in Students of Occupational Therapy After Their First Exposure to Practice Placement Education.María Del Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez, Abel Toledano-González, José-Matías Triviño-Juárez, Begoña Polonio-López, Antonio Segura-Fragoso, Olga López-Martín, Pablo Cantero-Garlito, Marta Rodríguez-Hernández, Ana-Isabel Corregidor-Sánchez & Dulce Romero-Ayuso - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Resilience is a multidimensional and dynamic construct associated with positive growth and the capacity to transform stressful and negative factors into opportunities of personal development and self-improvement when faced with difficult experiences. The resilience process of each individual integrates multiple analysis levels, which range from genetic-environmental interactions to a complex process of adaptation between the individual and his/her family, friends, co-workers, society, and culture.Objective: To determine whether resilience improves in students of occupational therapy when exposed for the first time (...)
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  25. Las patentes farmaceúticas y biotecnológicas: generalidades.Agustín Alconada Rodríguez, María José Carrascosa Gómez, María García Prieto, Miguel Lorca Melton, Tomás Llamas González, Esther Martínez Bravo, Cristina Zabalo Corvi & Vicente González Díaz - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Secuenciación de genomas.Javier María Rodríguez Martínez - 2004 - Arbor 177 (698):285-310.
    Desde que en 1995 se determinó la secuencia del genoma del primer organismo autosufidente, la bacteria Haemophilus influenzae, estamos asistiendo a una explosión en el número de genomas secuenciados. A finales del 2003 este número era de 150 y probablemente se doblara durante este año. También en 2003 se hizo pública la Secuencia de Referencia del genoma humano, un genoma de particular importancia para las ciencias biomédicas, y cuyo proyecto internacional de secuenciación ha sido el principal motor para el desarrollo (...)
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  27.  20
    Stress, Emotional Intelligence and the Intention to Use Cannabis in Spanish Adolescents: Influence of COVID-19 Confinement.Cristina Liébana-Presa, María Cristina Martínez-Fernández, José Alberto Benítez-Andrades, Elena Fernández-Martínez, Pilar Marqués-Sánchez & Isaías García-Rodríguez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The disease brought about by the SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 coronavirus has had an unprecedented global impact. Confinement to control the outbreak may have mental health consequences for the most vulnerable in the population, including adolescents. This study aims to describe and analyze the relationships between the stress variables, Emotional Intelligence and the intention to use cannabis in healthy adolescents, before and after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic containment stage. A comparative correlational study was carried out with validated self-completed questionnaires through (...)
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  28.  86
    Physical Fitness, White Matter Volume and Academic Performance in Children: Findings From the ActiveBrains and FITKids2 Projects.Irene Esteban-Cornejo, Maria Rodriguez-Ayllon, Juan Verdejo-Roman, Cristina Cadenas-Sanchez, Jose Mora-Gonzalez, Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Lauren B. Raine, Chelsea M. Stillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson, Andrés Catena, Francisco B. Ortega & Charles H. Hillman - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  29.  7
    How Hispanic digital native media combat disinformation? Analysis of their ethical codes.María-Ángeles Chaparro-Domínguez, Victoria Moreno-Gil & Ruth Rodríguez-Martínez - 2024 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 22 (4):373-391.
    Purpose Given the considerable challenges posed by disinformation to both society and journalism, how do news media outlets in Hispanic America and Spain address this pervasive global phenomenon? The purpose of this study is to evaluate the extent to which these outlets embrace recommendations from academic, professional and institutional spheres for countering false contents. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative content analysis was used using variables linked to transparency, verification and potential errors incurred. This study comprehensively analyses the ethical codes of 34 digital (...)
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  30.  15
    The Impact of COVID-19 Home Confinement on Mexican University Students: Emotions, Coping Strategies, and Self-Regulated Learning.Martha Leticia Gaeta, Laura Gaeta & María del Socorro Rodriguez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    One of the main challenges in higher education is promoting students' autonomous and self-regulated learning, which involves managing their own emotions and learning processes in different contexts and circumstances. Considering that online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic may be an opportunity for university students to take greater responsibility for their learning, it is essential to explore the strategies they have developed in the face of emotional and learning challenges during the health crisis. This study aimed at analyzing the relationships between (...)
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  31.  63
    Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model.Janet Delgado, Sabine Wöhlke, Jorge Suárez, David Rodríguez-Arias, Gurch Randhawa, Nadia Primc, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Leah McLaughlin & María Victoria Martínez-López - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-14.
    The organ donation and transplantation (ODT) system heavily relies on the willingness of individuals to donate their organs. While it is widely believed that public trust plays a crucial role in shaping donation rates, the empirical support for this assumption remains limited. In order to bridge this knowledge gap, this article takes a foundational approach by elucidating the concept of trust within the context of ODT. By examining the stakeholders involved, identifying influential factors, and mapping the intricate trust relationships among (...)
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  32.  48
    Public Perception of Organ Donation and Transplantation Policies in Southern Spain.Gonzalo Díaz-Cobacho, Maite Cruz-Piqueras, Janet Delgado, Joaquín Hortal-Carmona, María Victoria Martínez-López, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Álvaro Padilla-Pozo, Julia Ranchal-Romero & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2022 - Transplantation Proceedings 54 (3):567-574.
    Background: This research explores how public awareness and attitudes toward donation and transplantation policies may contribute to Spain's success in cadaveric organ donation. Materials and Methods: A representative sample of 813 people residing in Andalusia (Southern Spain) were surveyed by telephone or via Internet between October and December 2018. Results: Most participants trust Spain's donation and transplantation system (93%) and wish to donate their organs after death (76%). Among donors, a majority have expressed their consent (59%), and few nondonors have (...)
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  33.  81
    READ-COGvid: A Database From Reading and Media Habits During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain and Italy.Ladislao Salmerón, Barbara Arfé, Vicenta Avila, Raquel Cerdán, Raquel De Sixte, Pablo Delgado, Inmaculada Fajardo, Antonio Ferrer, María García, Laura Gil, Nadina Gómez-Merino, Álvaro Jáñez, Gemma Lluch, Amelia Mañá, Lucia Mason, Federica Natalizi, Marina Pi-Ruano, Luis Ramos, Marta Ramos, Javier Roca, Eva Rosa, Javier Rosales, Alba Rubio, Marian Serrano-Mendizábal, Noemi Skrobiszewska, Cristina Vargas, Marta Vergara-Martínez & Manuel Perea - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Improving Self-Perceived Emotional Intelligence in Occupational Therapy Students Through Practical Training.Begoña Polonio-López, José Matías Triviño-Juárez, Ana Isabel Corregidor-Sánchez, Abel Toledano-González, Mª Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez, Pablo Cantero-Garlito, Olga López-Martín, Marta Rodríguez-Hernández, Antonio Segura-Fragoso & Dulce María Romero-Ayuso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Serendipity and the Discovery of DNA.Áurea Anguera de Sojo, Juan Ares, María Aurora Martínez, Juan Pazos, Santiago Rodríguez & José Gabriel Zato - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (4):387-401.
    This paper presents the manner in which the DNA, the molecule of life, was discovered. Unlike what many people, even biologists, believe, it was Johannes Friedrich Miescher who originally discovered and isolated nuclein, currently known as DNA, in 1869, 75 years before Watson and Crick unveiled its structure. Also, in this paper we show, and above all demonstrate, the serendipity of this major discovery. Like many of his contemporaries, Miescher set out to discover how cells worked by means of studying (...)
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  36.  52
    Crítica de libros.Rocío Orsi Portalo, Silvia Castro García, María Jou García, Sara Ferreiro Lago, Francisco Blanco Brotons, Ariel Martínez, Adara Cifre Eberhardt, Marina García-Granero Gascó, Ramón A. Feenstra, Margarita Boladeras Cucurella, Pedro Francés-Gómez, Cristina Rodríguez Marciel, Jorge Ledo, Antonio Gómez Ramos & Noelia Bueno-Gómez - 2017 - Isegoría 56:319-389.
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    Promover la convivencia escolar: una propuesta de intervención comunitaria.María Clara Rodríguez & Patricia Vaca - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 33:179-189.
    Se describe una propuesta de intervención comunitaria en convivencia escolar, a partir de los resultados obtenidos en una investigación previa (Rodríguez, Vaca, Hewitt & Martínez, 2009) que buscaba caracterizar las formas de interacción en un contexto escolar. Si bien el punto de partida lo constitu..
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    Psychometric Properties of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome.Albert Feliu-Soler, Elvira Reche-Camba, Xavier Borràs, Adrián Pérez-Aranda, Laura Andrés-Rodríguez, María T. Peñarrubia-María, Mayte Navarro-Gil, Javier García-Campayo, Juan A. Bellón & Juan V. Luciano - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Emotional Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown Among the Spanish Population.Elena Gismero-González, Laura Bermejo-Toro, Virginia Cagigal, Angustias Roldán, María Jesús Martínez-Beltrán & Lucía Halty - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in some populations being confined to their homes as part of infection control measures. This situation can be hard to cope with due to separation from loved ones, prohibition of regular activities, fear of infection, loss of freedom, and so on. These negative impacts cause considerable psychological stress, and all the more so when the situation continues for an extended period, as was the case in Spain. The present study was aimed at investigating the effects (...)
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    RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, MARÍA, Filosofía y novela. De la generación del 98 a José Ortega y Gasset, Athenaica, Sevilla, 2018, 262 pp. [REVIEW]Alejandro Martínez Carrasco - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico:204-207.
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    Virginia Sánchez Rodríguez. La soprano María Barrientos y sus epístolas de juventud (1905-1906). Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 2018, 198 pp. [REVIEW]Marco Antonio De la Ossa Martínez - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):348-350.
    De un tiempo a esta parte, siguen surgiendo una gran cantidad de estudios científicos de notoria calidad dedicados a la recuperación y el análisis de la vida y obra de un buen número de mujeres que destacaron en los campos de la ciencia o el arte. Así, por distintos motivos, parecían haber sido olvidadas o relegadas a un segundo plano, una omisión que, tristemente, se ha perpetuado con el paso de los años...
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    GONZÁLEZ HINOJOSA, Andrés & PÉREZ SANTANA, Laura Elizabeth: Gerardo Rodríguez Casas y José Blanco Regueira. Dos luces ausentes del quehacer filosófico en México, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México, 2019, 107p. [REVIEW]Miguel Ángel Martínez Quintanar - 2022 - Agora 41 (2).
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    Luis Martínez García, La asistencia a los pobres en Burgos en la baja edad media: El Hospital de Santa María la Real . Burgos: Santiago Rodriguez, 1981. Paper. Pp. 183; numerous tables, map. [REVIEW]William D. Phillips - 1983 - Speculum 58 (4):1130-1131.
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  44. Review of: Maria Rodríguez del Alisal, Peter Ackerman, and Dolores P. Martinez, ed., Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests in Japan. [REVIEW]Barbara Ambros - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 34 (2):467-470.
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    Bases científicas del entrenamiento deportivo.José Luis Martínez Rodríguez - 2000 - Arbor 165 (650):127-151.
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    Fenomenología y política en "La crisis de las ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental" de Husserl.Alejandro Martínez Rodríguez - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Serie Monográfica 3:279.
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    Logical consistence and operating base in Thomas Hobbes. [Spanish].Rusbel Martínez Rodríguez - 2006 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 5:50-69.
    El objetivo principal de este artículo es precisar los elementos que operan en el substrato de la filosofía de Thomas Hobbes y que permiten dar coherencia lógica a su sistema. Para ello se apela a la idea de concepto operatorio desarrollada por Eugen Fink, a la vez que se llama la atención sobre la importancia de considerar la filosofía hobbesiana en su totalidad. Esto implica que cualquier análisis de la teoría política de Hobbes debe considerar las relaciones existentes con las (...)
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    Liberum Arbitrium.Laura Martínez Bermúdez - 2025 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 5 (1):197-204.
    El objetivo principal es la interpretación de San Agustín sobre el libre albedrío, la capacidad de elegir entre el bien y el mal, y su comparación con el filósofo contemporáneo Nelson Pike. Por otro lado, este estudio filosófico examina el concepto del libre albedrío centrado en las ideas de San Agustín de Hipona. El enfoque principal del trabajo es la interpretación de San Agustín sobre el libre albedrío, definido como la capacidad de elegir entre el bien y el mal. San (...)
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    A corpus-based insight into genre: The case of WIPO domain name arbitration decisions.Laura Martínez Escudero - 2011 - Discourse and Communication 5 (4):375-392.
    To prevent domains from cyber-piracy, the WIPO offers private and confidential procedures tasked to address the legitimate use of a domain name. WIPO domain name arbitration consists of an alternative dispute resolution process in which one or more panelists make a binding decision over the legitimacy of a domain. This article investigates the structure of the discourse of this professional genre. Following Maley, this study focuses, first, on spotting the generic moves of WIPO domain name arbitration decisions. Second, the analysis (...)
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    Balancing Asymmetries in Domain Name Arbitration Practices.Laura Martínez Escudero - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (3):297-316.
    As an alternative dispute resolution procedure, Domain Name Arbitration addresses not only contentions regarding the ownership of web pages, but also infringements of the Intellectual Property law such as cyber squatting or Internet piracy. In this spirit, panelists of the World Intellectual Property Organization enact law in accordance with what the involved parties provide them as burden of proof. Following this line of thought, we can assume that one party may remain unrepresented when it is not able to accomplish legal (...)
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